Has nobody posted the official letter yet?
Yeah, really?
Our fellow apostates are falling behind the Chariot!
the biggest sell off of kingdom halls in britain.
hi guys last night i posted this here but only a few notes as it was quite fresh and only announced lasdt night at the meeting.i have now updated article and included a couple of useful links about this matter .
Has nobody posted the official letter yet?
Yeah, really?
Our fellow apostates are falling behind the Chariot!
on another thread band on the run requested that i answer certain questions she put to me concerning deng xiaoping.
i requested another thread for that, one wasn't started so i start it myself.. i see the questions are reasonable, at least for someone who (admittedly) claims to know little about china, and i have no issues about answering them.
like all humans deng xiaoping, is a mix of good things and not so good things.. in telling deng's story, i have no wish to distort history, i see no reason to tell "outright lies about the past, or to omit facts that may lead to unacceptable conclusions or to gloss over anything with a quiet, slight admission that is buried by some other detail.
Being a full time student is understandable. But the Chinese? Always liked their food. Manhattan has the best. Many get three stars in the New York Times.
I was passing time for a dental appointment. In Chinatown of all places. Reading a magazine about ginkgo balboa. Rocky's cousin? Don't know. Neither here nor there. Green curry.
A small book fell on my lap. It was Quotations from the Chairman. Little red book. One would have no clue that it is the Chinese. It was formatted so professionally. My heart started beating more quick! Ha!
- Breakfast on the Run
this is the scuttlebutt in one of the "bethel congregations" by us.. no details as to exactly what this "faith-testing" announcement might be.. anyone else hear any of this pre-zone visit hype?.
Texting for return visits or sitting 30 feet from their Devil Carts sipping a Starbucks Grande Frappuccino, no doubt
New "faith-shaking announcement" theory:
In an unprecedented partnership with Starbucks, the society will be auctioning off prime "Cart witnessing" territory at all Starbucks locations.
Cart in a Sbucks goes to the highest bidder.
can someone please create a youtube video that compares lds tv, scientology tv, with tv.jw.org.?.
I played this game with my wife the other week: Guess the cult.
I cue up a video from one of the three and see how long it takes for her to figure it out!
i posted here a week ago some disturbing news for congregations being consolidated in britain.
my goodness that was nothing !
a letter was read today from bethel addressed to all congregations in britain that can only be described as the biggest news for years.the main points:.
About 10 years ago, the corporation I used to work for started "consolidating": selling off properties and moving more people into one building. Longer commutes for many people.
This was certainly not done because the business was thriving.
this is the scuttlebutt in one of the "bethel congregations" by us.. no details as to exactly what this "faith-testing" announcement might be.. anyone else hear any of this pre-zone visit hype?.
I betcha that's it ISLAND MAN.
i came across this after posting another iq video to a different topic.
interesting how much the jehovahs witnesses are featured ... but it is because they are a millenial cult with failed rapture prophecies:.
Doesn't play in New Jersey either.
yesterday, my wife was getting ready for the kh and told the kids that they had to get ready too.
i figured, oh well, they're heading to the hall at least i can get the time i need to catch up on some house work and what not.
before i know it, the wife gave up and allowed the kids to stay.
The Quran(which Muslims believe is from God) teaches about hijab. It is open to interpretation in how one implements it.
Yeah, this is something that bothers me about all of the books god writes.
You'd think he could write something a little less ambiguous, not so open to interpretation.
Hell, attorneys do it all of the time!
this is the scuttlebutt in one of the "bethel congregations" by us.. no details as to exactly what this "faith-testing" announcement might be.. anyone else hear any of this pre-zone visit hype?.
How about making the announcement that a publisher who is innactive more than one year has "disasscociated himself" and is to be treated like he's DFed.
Yes, DFTS, 3RDGEN has an interesting hypothesis. . . .
Not so much a "test of faith" as far as how much more doctrinal bullshit you can handle. . . .
Or how much more money they want to squeeze you for. . . .
But they just want YOU. Your devotion. They want you serving them regularly, or you're out.
this is the scuttlebutt in one of the "bethel congregations" by us.. no details as to exactly what this "faith-testing" announcement might be.. anyone else hear any of this pre-zone visit hype?.
I think a huge change in literature, e.g. combining the WT and Asleep! into a JW.org magazine would be significant. . .
And it would make sense to implement/announce this in the US branch. . . .
But is that something that would test one's faith?
"No more public WT? Boo-Hoo! My faith is shattered!"